Long Time No Post

Hello all!

Long time no post, right? Let me update you on the state of this little one-woman nation.

I had a new short story come out in Flash Fiction Online at the beginning of August. It’s about you. No, really, you. I don’t know how to break it to you, but you’re very sick. The story is told in second person, and I dare you to argue with it. It’s totally about you.

You can read You Are Not a Metaphor here.

I also spent a week-ish in Kansas City for this year’s WorldCon (AKA MidAmericon II). For the most part, I had a blast. Got to see lots of friends, make new ones, and had a great meeting with my editor and agent about NOUMENON’s sequel.

I also took part in a group reading for Galaxy’s Edge Magazine, which was my first-ever public reading. All in all, I think it went pretty well (the panel next door even provided mood music).

Got to observe the Alfies once more (where agent-sib Alyssa Wong took home the Alfie for best short story!), and snapped even worse pictures of the ceremony than I did last time (hey, it was really dark in that theater, and the stage was really bright). For comparison:


Last Year


(George R R Martin, Eric Flint, and other lovely people)

This Year


(George R R Martin and other lovely people I could not identify in a line up with only this picture to go on)


In short, I had a great time (again, mostly. Pro tip: do not grab women at parties and then threaten to get into a violent altercation with their agents, okay?), and book two is going to be AWESOME (capitalization for emphasis…Awesome is not the title of book two…but it should be).

If you want a much more thorough recap of the convention, I suggest you take a gander at the write up penned by David Steffen over at Diabolical Plots. He took a lot of great pictures during the week, so pick an author/editor/cool person you love and go play Where’s Waldo.

Recap can be found here.

So now I’m officially in the throes of writing the sequel to NOUMENON. I will keep you in the loop via a newsletter I plan on starting before the end of this month. If there’s anything specific you’d like to see in a newsletter (WIP updates, writerly tips, jokes, cat pictures, grains of wisdom etc.) let me know in the comments!



Published by Marina J. Lostetter

Writer and Illustrator of Science Fiction and Fantasy.

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