Book Three in the Five Penalties Series Up for Preorder!

Hello all, Great news! Book three is finally available for preorder, and I’m pleased to announce that TOD’s full name is: THE TEETH OF DAWN Cover still to be revealed, but I am very eager to share that with you as well! Aaaaaaand, if you preorder The Teeth of Dawn from Barnes & Noble today, youContinue reading “Book Three in the Five Penalties Series Up for Preorder!”


The Cage of Dark Hours is the second novel in a new trilogy from acclaimed author Marina Lostetter, where the defeat of a serial killer back from the dead has pulled the mask off the myths and magics of a fantastical city. Krona and her Regulators survived their encounter with Charbon, the long-dead serial killer whoContinue reading “Cover Reveal for THE CAGE OF DARK HOURS”