Updates on Submitomancy and The Submissions Grinder

These are the two Duotrope alternatives I introduced a few weeks ago.  That post is here if you’d like to familiarize yourself with it. Sadly, we’ve lost Submitomancy before its launch.  Its Indiegogo campaign was unsuccessful, meaning they did not receive the funding they needed to get off the ground. Though Submitomancy frequently posted aestheticallyContinue reading “Updates on Submitomancy and The Submissions Grinder”

Duotrope meets Submitomancy meets the Submissions Grinder

Alrighty, for all of you waiting for a system to essentially fill the void Duotrope left, I know of two.  One is still in the works, and one made its début in beta-mode this week. First we have Submitomancy, and it’s an interesting option.  It will charge fees like Duotrope, but unlike Duotrope will haveContinue reading “Duotrope meets Submitomancy meets the Submissions Grinder”