
I’ve recently started a Patreon, where I’ll be sharing excerpts of upcoming work, reprints, writing advice, and exclusive new fiction! There will be public posts as well as tier-based subscription posts, so feel free to give my profile a free follow or upgrade to any one of the following teirs:

List Your Way to a Better (Writing) You

My least favorite part of the process is…? Copyediting. Spelling has never been my strongpoint. I particularly have problems with homophones and compound words. Trying to catch all those little flubs is no fun at all. But copyediting is important. It’s what elevates a manuscript from armature to pro. It makes the story clean andContinue reading “List Your Way to a Better (Writing) You”

WotF Awards Vid

Hi all! Below is a video clip from the Vol. 29 Writers and Illustrators of the Future awards ceremony. It contains an introduction to my story, the wonderfully quirky dance choreographed for it, my thank you speech and Tiffany England’s thank you speech. Enjoy, get inspired, and enter the contest! ~Marina

Good News!

Part two of the WotF workshop overview will be up next week. This week I wanted to crow a little, if you’ll indulge me. First off, I sold a story to Mike Resnick over at Galaxy’s Edge after a minor (but really needed) rewrite.  I’m super excited about this, as it’s my fourth professional-rate sale.Continue reading “Good News!”

Penumbra Lost Issue Out Today

The April issue of Penumbra is out.  It contains my humor-flash piece entitled: Ol’ Soapy’s Revenge.  Here’s a sample: End-of-timers flocked to the streets, sure the anomaly would pass over the Earth and send us all to Hell.  Some said it was an alien creation meant to take us out before we could take themContinue reading “Penumbra Lost Issue Out Today”

Being SMART With Your Goals

Ok, I might be a little late here.  A goal-oriented post usually belongs at the beginning of January, not at the end.  But… I want to discuss setting real goals vs. setting non-goals.  You’d be amazed (or, perhaps not) at how many writers I’ve seen this month declare non-goals for 2013.  Non-goals don’t help anyone,Continue reading “Being SMART With Your Goals”

Duotrope meets Submitomancy meets the Submissions Grinder

Alrighty, for all of you waiting for a system to essentially fill the void Duotrope left, I know of two.  One is still in the works, and one made its début in beta-mode this week. First we have Submitomancy, and it’s an interesting option.  It will charge fees like Duotrope, but unlike Duotrope will haveContinue reading “Duotrope meets Submitomancy meets the Submissions Grinder”

Duotrope and Alternatives

By now, if you’re at all involved in the short story community, you’ve heard that Duotrope is going paid. That’s fantastic.  Nothing wrong with someone who provides a service getting paid for said service.  Everyone’s got mouths to feed and bills to pay, and no one should be expected to provide a service at aContinue reading “Duotrope and Alternatives”

‘Mirror Shards Vol. 2’ Released

The anthology is out!  I’m so excited, and I can’t wait to read it in its final form.  Here’s the cover and the blurb: BEWARE! Between these pages, thirteen tales about augmented reality lie in wait to steal away your senses. Go on the hunt for poachers in a dangerous mist. Use your powers ofContinue reading “‘Mirror Shards Vol. 2’ Released”