
Hey, hey you!  Want a copy of NOUMENON? Impromptu give away (US only)! Sign up for my newsletter: … and retweet this tweet, then on April 23rd I’ll randomly select two subscribers to receive a signed and embellished copy of NOUMENON.  (Already signed up?  Then the retweet is all you need!) ~Marina    

Duotrope and Alternatives

By now, if you’re at all involved in the short story community, you’ve heard that Duotrope is going paid. That’s fantastic.  Nothing wrong with someone who provides a service getting paid for said service.  Everyone’s got mouths to feed and bills to pay, and no one should be expected to provide a service at aContinue reading “Duotrope and Alternatives”

Of Profiles and Pitches

I open my email and find I have a new twitter follower. Cool. That’s a pretty rare event for me, seeing as I how I’m sitting at nobody status at the moment and I don’t go on following rampages looking for random hoards to follow me back. I like to visit followers’ profiles to seeContinue reading “Of Profiles and Pitches”

How Twitter Can Make You Money

Or, alternatively, save you money.  Since signing up for Twitter about six months ago, I have won three hard-copy books, and been given and/or alerted to over a dozen free e-books.  Total value: approximately $70. I made seventy dollars just by following people and paying attention. Now, I would have said saved $70 if IContinue reading “How Twitter Can Make You Money”