Duotrope and Alternatives

By now, if you’re at all involved in the short story community, you’ve heard that Duotrope is going paid. That’s fantastic.  Nothing wrong with someone who provides a service getting paid for said service.  Everyone’s got mouths to feed and bills to pay, and no one should be expected to provide a service at aContinue reading “Duotrope and Alternatives”

Short Fiction Sale: Mirror Shards Vol. 2

I am happy to announce that my story, Rats Will Run, will appear in Mirror Shards Vol. 2, an augmented-reality themed anthology edited by Thomas K. Carpenter. This is my first short fiction sale, hopefully just the first of many.  And remember that 100 rejections I was “aiming” for?  Well, I hit 94. The deadline for MirrorContinue reading “Short Fiction Sale: Mirror Shards Vol. 2”

Next Year’s Goals

Being sick sucks. And I was sickest on Christmas. Bah.  Humbug.  But anywho… A quick, concise list of next year’s goals: *Write 2,000 words a week day or 10,000 words a week–even when editing and even when guests are over. *Finish current novel based on my 2010 WotF finalist story. *Finalize and submit MG novel.Continue reading “Next Year’s Goals”