Everything is Star Wars

Happy New Year’s Eve! Seeing as how it’s the last day of the year, I thought I would send you into 2016 with a little gift. Have you noticed something other-worldly at the grocery store?  Do the cars at the dealerships appear to be from a galaxy far-far away?  Can you take two steps outContinue reading “Everything is Star Wars”

It’s November!

Demon!Dean would like to remind you that Halloween is unfortunately over, so you should change all of your October handles back to their regularly scheduled dullness…or else. But luckily Castiel is here to welcome you to November, which is, of course, National Novel Writing Month. Woohoo! ~Marina

Loki Wishes You a Happy Free Comic Book Day!

It’s Free Comic Book Day 2015 today!  That means you can visit this site: http://www.freecomicbookday.com/Home/1/1/27/992 and type in your zip code to see participating retailers near you, then walk in, and receive one of these 50 titles for free! And, you do realize Avengers: Age of Ultron is out, right?

March and April Nightmare Artist Spotlights

I have been remiss in my posting of Nightmare interviews!  Here are the two you might have missed: Most recently we have Dariusz Zawadzki: MJNL: Who has influenced you artistically? DZ: As a child I liked Salvador Dali. I also remember a booklet with Schiller’s ballades I found as a toddler on my parents’ shelf.Continue reading “March and April Nightmare Artist Spotlights”

Artist Showcase Interview with Johnny Dombrowski

Nightmare’s February cover artists is Johnny Dombrowski.  He works as the Art Handler at the Society of Illustrators in New York while also pursuing a freelance career. Here’s a sample from the interview: MJNL: Your website mentions your fascination with film noir, and I think its influence is readily visible in your art. What isContinue reading “Artist Showcase Interview with Johnny Dombrowski”

This is Why I Won’t Use Uber

You never know who’s going to show up. No way I’m getting in your tie-fighter, man. ~Marina P.S.  Also feels like a good time to announce a story sale!  Look for “The Stem” in a upcoming volume of Spark: A Creative Anthology.  I’ll post a link once it goes live.